Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The exciting Holiday of Sukkos is here!! We learnt about the two special Mitzvos we do on Sukkos: 1. Sit in a Sukka to remind us how Hashem protected the Jews with clouds in the desert after they left Egypt. 2. We shake a Lulav and Esrog (the four species) in all directions to show that Hashem is everywhere. We take the four different species (Lulav, Esrog, willow branch, myrtle branch) which represent all types of Jews, and we bring it together as if to say we are all one and have unity. The Yeladim got to build mini Sukkahs out of different types of materials and then we got to visit the big Sukkah outside. We got to make a Lulav and Esrog out of Play dough.

Sukkah out of paper strips
 Sukka out of Blocks

 Sukkah out of lego

 Making Lulav and Esrog Playdough

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