Thursday, October 25, 2012

Human Body

Kindergarten learned all about Scientist and Living and Non-Living things, we have moved on to the Human Body. We learned all about our brain and how it acts as the remote control for our whole body, telling each part of us what to do. We also learned about the importance of protecting it with a helmet while riding bikes or scooters. (please be sure your child has one :) ). Kindergarten also learned about the heart and how it pumps blood and circulates blood throughout the body. They learned how to take their pulse by the neck. Kindergarten felt their pulse was slower when sitting in circle time and faster after exercising around the room. We learned about the lungs, their function and where they are located in their body. We are currently learning about our stomach. To demonstrate this all, Morah read books to the class as well as used our felt body man, the children named him Yitzchak.

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