Saturday, October 20, 2012

Midda of the Month

This month, Kindergarten Yeladim have been working on a very important Midda (good character trait): Being Respectful. We have spoken about being respectful to teachers. We did a few puppet shows and did role play so the Yeladim can actually see how they can be respectful. We also learnt about having good manners. We had a set table and the children got to show the class how they can have good manners at the table. This week we will working on respecting parents and respecting friends. It's great to see our Middos wall getting filled up with the numerous Midda notes the children have been bringing in. It's important that the children discuss the importance of Respect at home too. The children enjoyed doing role play and hearing stories about respect and this can be done at home too. Thank you for your working on this with your child!!

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