Monday, October 29, 2012

Human Body Show & Tell!

Our Show & Tells often have a theme depending on the units we are learning. We are in the middle of learning about the human body...the brain, bones, heart, stomach, lungs, etc. The children were asked to bring in a toy, puzzle, picture, book or anything else having to do with the body. Look how creative they were!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Human Body

Kindergarten learned all about Scientist and Living and Non-Living things, we have moved on to the Human Body. We learned all about our brain and how it acts as the remote control for our whole body, telling each part of us what to do. We also learned about the importance of protecting it with a helmet while riding bikes or scooters. (please be sure your child has one :) ). Kindergarten also learned about the heart and how it pumps blood and circulates blood throughout the body. They learned how to take their pulse by the neck. Kindergarten felt their pulse was slower when sitting in circle time and faster after exercising around the room. We learned about the lungs, their function and where they are located in their body. We are currently learning about our stomach. To demonstrate this all, Morah read books to the class as well as used our felt body man, the children named him Yitzchak.

Odds & Evens

Kindergarten is learning all about odd and even numbers. Morah explained that an even number can be counted by two's and an odd number can't. During calendar time, Morah puts a block down for each day as we go along. Each stack goes in piles of two. For example, when we get to the first day of the month, Morah put down one block by itself, showing it's an odd number on it's own. The second day of the month I pile the second block on top of the first, now showing a pile of two...meaning it's an even number. When we get to the 5th day of the month, there will be two stack of two blocks with one left over on the side, therefore we know it's an odd number. If it was the 6th day of the month, there would be three piles of blocks stacked in two's, therefore we know it's an even number. You can try this at home!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Kindergarten visited the Brooklyn Aquarium today! We walked around and learned so much. We also took part in a workshop about Sharks. What a fun and informative day!

Five Senses & Graphing

Kindergarten learned about the five senses. To test the sense of taste, Morah cut up red, green and yellow apples. The children were blindfolded as they tasted each one and guessed which color they ate. They then picked which was their favorite and we graphed the results. Kindergarten loves green apples the best!

Happy Birthday Eliana!

For Eliana's birthday, the children helped bake a cake and made her a special birthday book made out of the cards they made. For the party, Eliana was presented with her birthday crown and got to pick from our birthday box! Each friend then wished Eliana a special birthday wish. Of course we must always remember how important it is to do mitzvahs so Eliana handed out tzedakah to her friends and then collected it in our new tzedakah can! Next, it was time to sing and dance and eat yummy cake. Thank you to Eliana's mommy for celebrating with us and for the wonderful chalk set, given to each child to take home.