Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sink & Float

Kindergarten is learning about what makes an object float or sink. We learned that the weight of an object is not the only factor that will determine whether an item will sink or float. Kindergarten learned that the shape and what an object is made of is what determines if an item will sink or float. For example a boat in the ocean is a heavy object but does not sink...why? The material and shape of it are what allow it to float. We also spoke about the amount of air an object has will determine if it floats. We had one glue bottle that had less glue in it and more air and the other more glue and less air. Both bottles floated, however one floated a little lower then the other. Kindergarten made a chart to keep track of their predictions of whether various object we collected would sink or float. As we went along, we put a smiley face in the float or sink column. The class then broke off into groups and found things around the room and had to predict what would happen when they dropped it in the water. We had such a fun time!

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