Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Non Fiction vs. Fiction

Kindergarten is learning about the difference between fiction and non fiction books. We worked with partners to choose a non fiction book from our library and talk about what makes the book non fiction.
The children also practiced communicating with each other to choose one book they agreed on. They did a great job!

Magic C Bunny

In our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum, we learned about Magic C. The reason we call it Magic C is because the letter C can turn into many other letters. For example to make a Capital O, you start off making a capital C then continue circling around to form and O. To make a lowercase a, you first make a lowercase c, continue up then come back down to form an a.
To help Morah teach this is our Magic C bunny! The children were so excited to meet him!

Friends Reading to Friends

Two of our friends asked Morah if they could read to the class. Emma and Kfir, you did a great job! Thank you!

Happy and Kosher Pesach

These past few weeks we've been really busy getting ready for Pesach. We learnt about the preparations we need to do and we then went through all the steps of the Seder. We learnt all about how the Jews were slaves in Egypt and how Hashem took them out. We made a Haggadah to follow along with during the Seder. We made a Seder plate and a Matza bag. Today we had a model Seder where the children got to participate in all the steps of the Seder. Wishing you all a Kosher and Happy Pesach!!