Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yom Kippur-Kapparos

Every Year before Yom Kippur, there is a tradition to take a chicken and circle it over our head. As we do this, we say a prayer to G-d that we should be granted a good new year in the merit that we give the chicken to Tzedakah.  We went outside and Rabbi Okonov was there with two chickens - one for boys and one for girls. We had the opportunity to do Kapparos and the Rabbi circled the chickens over our head.  Many of us were brave and felt the soft feathers of the chicken.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pretending To Be Scientists - Show & Tell!

Kindergarten pretended to be scientists. Each child had to go home and think, if they were  scientist...what would they want to learn more about? They had to pick a picture, toy, book, stuffed animals, etc of that idea and bring it in. As you can see below, the children are very curious and truly embraced their inner scientist. They wanted to know more about fish, animals, insects, toys, planets, space, rainbows and more. Some even brought in scientist tools and some made their show and creative!

Scientists & Tools

In our first science unit, we have been learning all about what a scientist is and about the different types of tools they use. We know that scientists are very curious people who want to know more about various things. They pick a topic and learn more about it, doing experiments, visit places and so on. We know that to do experiments, scientists need tools such a droppers, measuring cups, rulers, scales, funnels, tubes to collect in, computers and a notebook to write down their findings. We in kindergarten are keeping a science notebook with pictures and information about our experiments. We also got the opportunity to use some of these tools that we spoke about.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our very first Shabbos Party

This past Friday, we had a wonderful Shabbos Party. We had our Shabbos Ima Abby and Shabbos Abba Kfir who did a wonderful job. We baked challah, got ready for Shabbos, lit candles, sang songs, and made Kiddush. We are all looking forward to this upcoming Friday for our next Shabbos Party.

The Shofar Man

Last week , the children from Kindergarten had a very special visitor who came to talk all about the Shofar. Thank you Mr. Kreitner, Morah Dawn's brother-in-law, for your visit! The children learnt where a Shofar comes from and why we blow it. There were many sizes and shapes of Shofars that the kids got to explore.