Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dina Rosenfeld Visits!

For Literacy Month, the children had the opportunity to meet Dina Rosenfeld, a well known author. Dina Rosenfeld wrote many of the books we have in our class. She explained to the children how an author writes a book. They come up with an idea and write notes on it. Then eventually they form the words to go in the book and write in out to send to the editor. The editor reviews the author's work and sends it back with ideas to change. After a while, the words to the book are ready and Dina sends it to an illustrator to draw the pictures. The illustrator needs to make sure the pictures match the words the author wrote. When all of this is done, the book is sent out to be put together. Dina Rosenfled showed the children a few of her books that were written in Russian, German, French and other languages. The children had a wonderful time!

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