Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Purim Party

Kindergarten Yeladim had a blast yesterday at our Purim party. We began by welcoming our PreK friends who came to join us. We had a great Puppet show where we acted out the story of Purim in an exciting way. Next each child walked down the aisle to show their beautiful and creative costumes to all their friends. We then got into the Purim spirit and danced for a while with fun Purim music. As a special treat the Yeladim got Hamantashen!! 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

David's Mom Came to Read!

David's mom came to read to our kindergarten friends! She read, Cakes and Miracles, A Purim Tale. It was a perfect book to get the children in the spirit for the upcoming holiday of Purim! The children had the opportunity to listen to the story and ask questions. Thank you to David's mom for coming to visit!

Happy Birthday Mickey!

Happy 6th Birthday to Mickey! The children each wished Mickey a birthday wish and Mickey gave his class a special bracha as well. We also learned that on happy occasions we should also do mitzvos so Mickey went around collecting tzedakah from his friends. We danced around the birthday boy and ate yummy birthday cupcakes! Thank you to Mickey's mom for celebrating with us and for the party gifts.
While Mickey's mom was here she took the opportunity to read to us! She read, Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? The children ate their cupcakes while listening to a good book. What an exciting day!

Maya's Mom Came to Read!

Maya's mom visited kindergarten in honor of literacy month! She read the book, The Better Than Best Purim. The children love when visitors come to read. After Maya's mom read, the children had the opportunity to ask some questions. Thank you for coming to read to us!

Ari's Mom Came to Read!

Ari's mom came to read to the kindergarten class! We were in for even a bigger surprise...not only did his mom read but Ari read to us as well! His friends were so excited! Ari read, Shoo Fly Guy and his mom read, The Everything Machine. After the books were read, the children had the opportunity to ask some questions and do a reading experience sheet. Ari did an amazing job!